More Oil Than Saudi Arabia

Written By Jason Williams

Posted April 27, 2017

Back in 1923, the future of Texas changed forever…

Around six in the morning on May 28th, the Santa Rita oil well blew and gushed black gold over a 250-yard area around the rig. The Texas oil boom was born.

Thanks to the prolific field under that fateful strike, Texas (and the U.S.) became the main oil supplier to the world. For the next five decades, the oil from West Texas powered the engines of industry around the globe, and the residents of the surrounding area became millionaires overnight.

The Rebirth of the Petroplex

The land was so rich with oil that it was soon dubbed the “Petroplex.” It’s provided over 35 billion barrels since the Santa Rita strike. At its peak, it was pumping out 1.7 million barrels each day.

But after the peak, a new era of global oil domination was ushered in, and OPEC took over the industry.

The organization punished countries that didn’t agree with it by stalling production and boosting prices. It bankrupted competitors in other countries by flooding the market with cheap crude. It basically ran roughshod over the entire oil-consuming world for the next 40 years.

But the dominance of OPEC is coming to an end. One of the reasons is because the Petroplex is coming back online.

You see, thanks to technological advances in drilling and extraction, the massive glut of oil still under the ground is finally accessible. Oil that was unrecoverable 40 years ago is now cheap and easy to get to the surface.

And it’s about to usher in a new age of American dominance in the oil and natural gas markets.

In fact, the reserves are so big that analysts have moved the U.S. above both Saudi Arabia and Russia on the list of top oil reserves. Thanks to this one gigantic field, we’ve got more recoverable oil than two of the biggest players in the crude market.

Where Did It All Come From?

The oil that’s about to be pumped out of this West Texas mother lode has always been there. But it’s been trapped in something called source rock.

I won’t go into too much detail about this kind of formation. But basically, it’s like a gigantic shale sponge that’s soaked in oil. Forty years ago, it was impossible to get the oil out of it. But now, thanks to new techniques, oil companies can get to it as easily as wringing water out of a washcloth.

And there’s tons of it down there — so much that it’s overwhelming the pipelines running out of the area. Companies are racing to build more just to get the oil that’s already coming out of the ground to refineries in Houston.

And there isn’t just one layer of oil here, either — there are five!

That’s the equivalent of 140 Bakken fields stacked on top of each other. And it makes the 35 billion barrels that’s already been pumped out look paltry.

Experts estimate there may be as much as another 75 billion barrels just waiting to be tapped!

That makes it the second-largest oil field in the world. And it’s about to start minting a whole new generation of millionaires.

The Time is Now

Oil companies are quietly drilling away in the Petroplex as I write. But it’s not going to be long before the market catches on and their share prices skyrocket.

Some are already on the rise. But my colleague Keith Kohl has pinpointed a single company that’s going to make more millionaires than any other.

And the best part is that it still trades for less than $15 a share!

Fifteen bucks could literally get you in on the most prolific and game-changing discovery in oil history.

You see, Keith has a knack for spotting these kinds of opportunities in their infancy. He told readers to invest in Bakken drillers before anyone else was even talking about the fields out there. And those who listened made massive profits.

I’m talking about gains like:

  • Northern Oil & Gas returning 103%
  • Brigham Exploration netting 574%
  • Kodiak Oil & Gas soaring 6,741%

Keith saw the opportunity and urged investors to act fast. And he was right. Imagine earning a 6,741% gain on any stock! That would turn every $1,000 you invested into over $68,000!

It would have made you a millionaire if you’d put just $15,000 in at the start!

And right now, Keith is on the profit trail again. He’s found a company that meets all three of the criteria for a blockbuster oil investment.

First, it’s still very profitable even with oil prices under $50 a barrel. That means as prices continue to rise, it’ll make much more per barrel than its competitors.

Second, all its new wells are showing great success. This company is literally striking huge pools with practically every well it drills.

Third — and most important — the mainstream investing public doesn’t have a clue about it. That means when they do finally catch on, the rush to buy in is going to send shares owned by early investors skyrocketing!

It really couldn’t get any better. It’s an oil investor’s dream come true.

In fact, this same situation was going on a few years back with some other little-known companies. They operated in the Eagle Ford formation, and their stocks surged from around $5 each to $40 for one and $62 for another. Those are gains of 700% and 1,120%, respectively. Early investors made millions!

Those types of profits are about to happen again. But this time it’ll be in the Petroplex. And this time, you can be one of those early investors!

Please Don’t Hesitate

When the rest of the investing world catches on to this opportunity, it’ll be gone. And I would hate to see any of my readers miss out on the kinds of profits it’s going to bring.

That’s why I implore you to watch this video (or give this report a read). You owe it to yourself to take a few minutes and hear what Keith has to say about this company and the gains that could be flooding your portfolio as the Petroplex oil floods the pipelines of West Texas.

You may have missed out on the Bakken and Eagle Ford bonanza a few years ago. But you don’t have to miss out on this one. It’s going to send America to the peak of its oil prosperity, and it’s going to mint a lot of millionaires. I want you to be one of them.

So, don’t wait until production has already peaked. Don’t wait until the massive profits are gone. Listen to what Keith is saying, and watch your investment grow five, seven, maybe even 10 times in size.

To investing with integrity (and ahead of the curve),

Jason Williams
Energy and Capital

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